Life is a learning process. I know that. But, lately i fell like it's very difficult for me to accept any mistake that I have done. Not like before. I am a person that always humble. Able to accept any comment and open-minded. But after "that things" happened, i'm totally change.
But, I have to accept all of this as 'dugaan'.
Anis, you must accept this as a challenge. You must be strong. I know you can do it.
Cheer up dear =)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tag kedua
Oh ho, aku telah di tag...
5 sebab kenapa aku rasa bertuah menjadi diri aku sendiri:
5 sebab kenapa aku rasa bertuah menjadi diri aku sendiri:
- First of all, im very proud because i am muslim. Islam is a very beautiful religion for me. It's covering all aspects of my life. By the time i fell lost or dont know what i have to do, I still can find the way on how to cheer my life. I know Allah is always with me. Allah always with me everytime I need him. Allah always helps me everytime I need helps. Alhamdullilah..
- Second, im very proud because i have my family by my side. Although i had stay in hostel since im in standard 6, but they are always in my mine. Nothing can replace them in my heart. To all my friends, Im also proud having you around. No matter how we meet. No matter where we are study. All of you are so meaningfull to me.
- Then, i fell proud be myself, because i am a person who are strong enough to face any problem in my life. Sometimes, i feel the dificulty to face it. But i know i can.
- I'm also proud be myself because Allah give me a spirit to continue my study till today. Since 5 years old until now . Hopefully, I still have this spirit to continue my study until PhD.
- I'm also proud because I have you. Thank you for waiting me for so long. Finally, i find someone to share my laughter and sadness. Hopefully, we are together forever.
Ikut suka
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
my english is getting worse and worse
After prepresentation today. I fell that i'm damn stupid in english. Why i'm still not good in english. If i speak i speak like i'm not knowing english at all, like i not learnt english before. Everytime i write in english im always make mistake. Everytime im trying to speak in english i'm always dont know what i'm going to say. What happen with me?
Sometimes, i'm trying to learn english. But after a while, i forgot everything that i have learned. I feel very difficult to talk in english, to write in english, to communicate in english.
I'm aware that its my mistake too because everytime i buy magazines or paper or any reading material i will buying malay version. I try to avoid to speak in english, to write something in english else im force to do so.
Waaaaa, what i talk about?
Hopefully, all of you will help me to improve my english. I really needs your help. At least, let me know if im write in wrong way. Thanks to all for reading this unmature writing.
Sometimes, i'm trying to learn english. But after a while, i forgot everything that i have learned. I feel very difficult to talk in english, to write in english, to communicate in english.
I'm aware that its my mistake too because everytime i buy magazines or paper or any reading material i will buying malay version. I try to avoid to speak in english, to write something in english else im force to do so.
Waaaaa, what i talk about?
Hopefully, all of you will help me to improve my english. I really needs your help. At least, let me know if im write in wrong way. Thanks to all for reading this unmature writing.
Ikut suka
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Terasa nak buat tag ni walaupun tak di tag
7 FAKTA tentang sayer
7 FAKTA tentang sayer
- Orang Kelate
- Anak sulung
- Banyak cakap ngn orang yang kenal je
- Suka makan
- Boleh kawan ngan sape2 je
- Turn 22 on March, 2 2008
- Sekarang belaja kt UTP
- Mimpi buruk
- Tetiba terjaga tengah2 malam
- Terfikir pasal mati
- Accident motor
- Gagal dalam exam
- Bila terkenang dosa2 yang dilakukan
- Bawak moto kat jalan raya
- Layar keinsafan
- Cinta pertama
- sumayyah
- akrab persahabatan
- Ainul Mardiah
- Aku tanpa cintamu
- Andai ku tahu
- ha'a
- Oooo....
- Ntah
- Awak...
- Malas
- Hello
- Okay kot
- Allah
- Islam
- Iman
- Amal
- Keluarga
- Pelajaran
- Harta
- Pertama kali prektikel kat sni..Kerteh =)
- Pertama kali menipu..time kecik, makcik ajar ngaj Quran. Sebenarnya tak baca laqi surah tu. Tp ckap dah baca. Mkck, sy mintak maaf.
- Pertama kali masuk sekolah (sekolah tadika) ms umur 5 thn, gembira sgt2
- Pertama kali pandai bc paper ms umur 5 thn jugak, juga gembira sgt2
- Pertama kali pandai tengok jam. juga msa umur 5 thn. Life begins at 5 yrs...hehe
- Pertama kali pakai tudung g sekolah ms darjah 3
- Pertama kali pakai tudung g jalan2 ms darjah 6. Byk lagi pertama kali ni...=P
- Dalila, bila balik Utp jangan lupa saya tau
- Rosli, smoga selamat sampai ke Kelate
- Farah Linda, windu my rumate
- Afiq, my bro. Kalau ade ms bt le
- Ili Nabila, tak sangka kita jadi rumate kat sni
- Wani Tita, nanti buat eh...windu Wani jugak
- Lastly untuk sape2 je...
Ikut suka
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Eye liner
Lips liner
Eye shadow
Hehehe, sambil2 perabih duit intern jugak. Waaa, bukan nak boros2 ek korang. Tapi ntah teringin nak mencuba.
Dan pada suatu malam tu, aku cuba lah guna barang2 yang aku beli ni. Dengan tak de pengalaman menconteng muka. Inilah hasilnya...Waaaa, buruk
Dan pada suatu malam tu, aku cuba lah guna barang2 yang aku beli ni. Dengan tak de pengalaman menconteng muka. Inilah hasilnya...Waaaa, buruk
Ikut suka
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tau tak kenapa i choose this background for my blog. Because now i'm doing my internship at kerteh. Banyak pantai kat sini.
Kat Kuala Kerteh ade pantai. Tapi pernah pergi waktu malam jerk. Tak nampak sangat.
Kat Kemasik ade pantai. Selalu layan jiwang kat sana. Hak hak. Ye ek kawan2. Betul kan Sue, Aini?
erm, pastu ari tu g pantai kat Cherating. Saje jalan2 tiba2 dah sampai cherating. Walaupun cherating kt Pahang tapi still pantai jugak kan. Pendek kata kat sni kaya ngan pantai. Sampaikan i dah terjatuh hari dengan pandangan kat pantai.
Ops. lupa lak, selalu jugak lunch kt tepi pantai Paka. Best jgk lunch kt sn. Walaupun tak makan nasik, makan bihun sup pun best jugak. Ada keropok. Ado sotong celup tepung. Ada air cendol. Thank you kepada teman seintern. Embun, Dalila n Danial. Hik hik hik. Kadang2 time mengidam danial jadi mangsa kena g makan kat pantai kan? kan?
Walaupun kadang2 terasa boring sebab tak de keje nak bt kt opis but deeply in my heart i really like to stay here. I mean at Kerteh. Kepada Dalila. Im 99.9% agree with u. Hehehe.
Kat Kuala Kerteh ade pantai. Tapi pernah pergi waktu malam jerk. Tak nampak sangat.
Kat Kemasik ade pantai. Selalu layan jiwang kat sana. Hak hak. Ye ek kawan2. Betul kan Sue, Aini?
erm, pastu ari tu g pantai kat Cherating. Saje jalan2 tiba2 dah sampai cherating. Walaupun cherating kt Pahang tapi still pantai jugak kan. Pendek kata kat sni kaya ngan pantai. Sampaikan i dah terjatuh hari dengan pandangan kat pantai.
Ops. lupa lak, selalu jugak lunch kt tepi pantai Paka. Best jgk lunch kt sn. Walaupun tak makan nasik, makan bihun sup pun best jugak. Ada keropok. Ado sotong celup tepung. Ada air cendol. Thank you kepada teman seintern. Embun, Dalila n Danial. Hik hik hik. Kadang2 time mengidam danial jadi mangsa kena g makan kat pantai kan? kan?
Walaupun kadang2 terasa boring sebab tak de keje nak bt kt opis but deeply in my heart i really like to stay here. I mean at Kerteh. Kepada Dalila. Im 99.9% agree with u. Hehehe.
Ikut suka
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