As usual saturday is a research methodology class.
But, I woke up a bit late. Around 7am. Huhu! Zup zap prepare breakfast a.k.a lunch for my husband and little dhiya amani. Inside my mind. Oh! i'm gonna be late today. Can you imagine, only at 8.40am i finished preparing the meal. and I didn't took my bath yet. As always, I will leaving the house at 9am sharp. Today I only leave the house at 9.15am. But, after passing the main gate then i realize I left my ic and licensed. what the??? huhuhu! I turned back and called my hubby to bring both things. and i asked him to send me to the uni because i cannot drive anymore since i have to rush to uni. 15 minutes is not enough for me to drive. my class started at 10am. noted, my lecturer is very puncture. the late comers will not allow to enter the room. that what i afraid so much. promise myself not to be late again next time.
The outline for today class
1. how to make a good proposal
2. what the researcher should do
How to make a good proposal
This explanation is based on what i remember.
So, first we start with the proposal preparation. Proposal is actually the first step you have to do before you do a laboratory work. Good proposal will help a lot in research work. So, don't assume writing proposal is wasting your time.
Noted: This proposal is for student or (researcher) use as their own guideline, if you want to submit the proposal to any organization you have to follow the guideline given by them.
Things should include in your proposal.
1. Format
Tittle should be precise, short and clear
Introduction, background, problem statement, objectives, methodology, work schedule, equipment, estimated cost and references should be arrange accordingly.
2. Content
- general overview of the overall research that are going to do.
- literature review from the journal
- should be arrange accordingly based on the year of the journal publish
- recommended to take journal as a literature review
Problem statement
- should choose strong problem statement.
- find something that people really want to know.
- strong problem statement will make the evaluator (if have) feel like interested to know more about the topic proposed.
- highlight
why you are interested to do that research.
what the innovation you want to make if there already have the person doing the same this as what you are gonna do.
what the benefit (special) if the one that you want to make is to replace the existing one that already available in the market.
- Broad objective should be put earlier
- Followed by the specific objectives that you want to meet in your research
- should be explain in the text form
- followed by the flowchart to make people easy to understand what you are gonna do
- don't exactly put the amount of measurement in the methodology since it may be have to change when you start with lab work.
example: put 1g of polystyrene resin....(just write put polystyrene resin)
Work Schedule
- content time frame of your research
- should be put the time frame accordingly with the thing that you gonna do. by following the proper work schedule your work may finish on time
- list out all the equipments that you are going to use. this help a lot during labwork since you can prepare the equipments earlier.
Esimated cost
- for the proposal which ask for funding this part is very important. this part will determine whether the fund you are ask for will be approved or not.
What the researcher should do?
this one is from lecture slide as per what i remember
1. Spend at least 8 hours on your labwork
- this one i don't think i can make it. eight hours is too long. but if you force yourself. i think you can make it. everything are depends on you.
2. being a researcher mean you put yourself of 24 hours per day and 7 days per week doing research.
- hahaha. this one also very hard for me to only think about the research thingy for the whole day for the whole week. but definitely i strongly believe there have people like this. different people have different ways of thinking and believe. so don't condemn others.
3. Roughly go through first
- while finding the materials for example journal, just scanning your finding by roughly go through it. if you find the journal suit you well only then you print and keep as your references.
4. Jot down the main content
- while reading the journal, please jot down important content and keep it nicely. if you want to use it you don't need to read the whole journal again. please be smart =)
5. trying to finish reading one journal per week
- by doing this, you will not realize you can read many journals in short period of time. just start with one journals per week.
6. sharing is caring
- after reading the journal don't forget to share the outcome with your supervisor. this will make you understand more.
I think for this time, I will stop here. Hope this sharing will give benefit to many people. Correct me if i am doing wrong in any of my explanation.